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Pashmina FAQs

  1. Pashmina products from Erisha International are the same quality products as that of  the department stores?

    The answer is simple: Its definitely Yes. Its one of the producers like us who gets lucky and gets the bulk order from them. The big names are just attached later as per mutual business understanding and agreements.
  2. Handmade versus machine made

    there is a difference!
    Genuine pashmina shawls is hand made products. Therefore the quality depends upon the making process. Hand made pashmina products are more finer, tighter, warmer and luxurious than the machine made pashmina products. Since the diameter of the pure pashmina is 15 to 19 microns in diameter it is difficult to spun the pure pashmina wool by machine. Therefore hand spun is required to make genuine pashmina. To spot a machine-made wrap, look at the fringe base: machines make an unnaturally straight edge.
  3. What is different  in  "100% pashmina" and "70% Pashmina and 30% Silk Blended Pashmina" ? 

    Actually these are the quality of pashmina wool. 100% pashmina refers to the pure pashmina wool and no silk is blended in 100% pashmina. 70% pashmina and 30% silk blended pashmina refers to pashmina wool that has the mixture of 70% pure pashmina wool and 30% silk. 
    The different quality of pashmina wool have their own plus and minus aspects. Some customers prefers 100% pashmina products where some customers prefers 70% pashmina with 30% silk blended pashmina products. True 100% pure pashmina is obviously softer, lighter, finer, luxurious and warmer than silk blends. However, the 100% pashminas or Cashmere are not as strong as the 70% pashmina and 30% silk blend, and any other quality of pashmina products and they lack the sheen and the elegant drape of the silk, which some people prefer. 
    Beware that the best-selling Pashminas -- sometimes advertised as "pure" -- are really of 70% wool and 30% silk. Some marketers try to gain a competitive advantage by claiming 75% Pure Pashmina wool with 25% Silk Blended or 80% Pure Pashmina wool with 20% Silk Blended Pashmina, but the difference is unsubstantial.
  4. What is  a "ring shawl"? 

    The "ring shawl" is a full-sized 100% pure pashmina shawl that theoretically is fine enough to pass through a ring. Longer, finer fibers are better because they are much softer. A large shawl made of these finest cashmere fibers can pass through a ring, that’s why it is known as ring shawl. This shawl is so elegant and luxurious you'll love it at first sight. It's stunning over an evening gown for special occasions, as well as casual wear. Ring shawl is practically weightless (just less than 5 ounces) yet warmer and softer than wool shawls which is two or three times heavier and less softer.
    Note: Ring shawl mentioned here is not to be misunderstood with the ring shawl (Shahtoosh) made from endangered Tibetan Antelope wool which is considered illegal in most western countries. 
  5. I've seen some pashminas that are a lot cheaper ? How come? 

    Well the main answer of this question lies in the quality. Some of the shawls and scarves being marketed as pashmina are made in India and other places, and are likely to be inferior... not bad, but just not the real stuff. Even in Nepal, shawls, stoles and scarves in the pashmina style have been made for years; the cheaper products are made from acrylics, or from regular wool and cotton. 
    Unfortunately, the word "pashmina" has acquired a rather broad generic meaning. In fact, the shawls, stoles, scarves that are most popular in the West today are woven from a blend of pashmina wool and silk, yet everyone refers them as "pashmina."
  6. What's with the dimensions of the conventional "full-size" shawls ? 

    Conventionally, the full-size is supposed to measure 82" x 32" or some weavers go for 35" x 78". The natural un-dyed pashminas may correspond to these values, but the cloth shrinks in length by about 4% (roughly 3") during the dying process. These days there has been some attempt to compensate for the shrinkage by increasing the measurements. At the same time, it is very hard to arrive at an objective measurement of such an elastic cloth. Remember that these are supposed to be hand-woven, with some variability in weaving style, loom tension, and so on: naturally there is inconsistency in the precise measurements. Some sellers prefer to advertise the maximum dimensions; others feel safer advertising minimum measurements. We state dimensions that are nearer the minimum -- generally the true measurements are a bit longer. However pashmina shawls or stoles or mufflers or scarves or blankets can be made in any sizes as per the order of customers.
  7. What is the different between “single ply” ,"2-ply" and “3-ply” shawls and which one is better?

    A "ply" represents the thickness of the thread used to weave the pashmina, so a 3 Ply would be thicker and have greater cashmere contents than a “2Ply” and “single ply” as they are made by doubling up the pashmina threads. All use the same premium pashmina wool though.
    Remember, however, that with Pashmina, lightness is the prime factor. One ply pashmina shawls are made in single pashmina threads. Therefore single ply pashmina products are lighter and softer than the pashminas using more ply. But the warmth of the pashmina is not much difference because it is the  wool of the Chyangra (Capra Hircus) goat which keeps warm. All single, double and 3 ply pashmina products have their own plus and minus aspects. So to answer the question of which one is better: it’s individual taste and choice.